Archive for category Research Area
Launching OMG and IPOMS Gathering 2013
Posted by systems in Knowledge Area, Lean and Green Operations, News, Research Area, Serious Simulation Gaming SSG, Workshop & Training on 18/04/2013
The Operation Management Game (OMG!) was designed to help managers and leaders learn about various operations management aspects in a simulated production line. OMG is an example of Serious Simulation Games (SSG), which is games of real-world systems designed for the purpose of learning, research, and problem solving. In SSG, participants are immersed in a simulated learning environment that is risk free and challenging. This environment creates an ideal place to test decisions and learn from the feedbacks without costly disruptions of the real systems.
OMG! is one of many SSG products developed at our laboratory: Systems Engineering, Modeling and Simulation (SEMS Lab), Industrial Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia. We currently focus on building SSG that covers problems in supply chain management, industrial management, and technology policy. Some of these products are the kontainer game, financial management game, BIEOND Biodiesel Industry Policy Simulator, Franchise Management Game, Reverse Logistics Simulator and many other SSG. Almost all of our SSGs were developed using various computer simulation technology, as SEMS lab core competency.
During an IPOMS (Indonesian Production and Operations Management Society) Gathering, we launched the OMG by playing the game with all the participant gathering. The game was a success and wait for our book that will be published to explain about the game and how your organizations can easily develop and implement the game itself. SEMS has copyrighted the game and planned to just give the concept and design for the public to use it for free. Read the rest of this entry »
SEMS at ABM International Workshop 2013 by SBM ITB & UKP4
Posted by systems in Agent Based Modeling, Knowledge Area, Lean and Green Operations, Research Area, Technical Area, Urban Industrial Development on 16/04/2013
SBM ITB with UKP4 (Presidential Working Unit for Supervision and Management of Development) organized International Workshop on Agent Based Modeling for Policy Development following last year successful event. This year Pak Akhmad Hidayatno was invited to present one SEMS Lab research study conducted in Agent Based Modeling regarding Pedestrian Movement. The research case study was conducted with the support of PT Mass Rapid Transit Jakarta (MRT Jakarta) to evaluate the feasibility of their current underground station design based on pedestrian movement flow. Underground stations are much more expensive the their on-land or elevated stations. Therefore, any design changes during construction could be costly.
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Prototyping OMG for IPOMS Event on April 17: Getting in the Game
Posted by systems in News, Serious Simulation Gaming SSG, Workshop & Training on 09/04/2013
SEMS with Indonesian Production and Operation Management Society IPOMS are collaborating to conducting an event in 17 April 2013 as part of IPOMS Gathering Week. The one day event is named as Getting Into the Games, in which we are explaining about how serious games can help companies to gather and distribute knowledge by increasing their learning effectiveness.
For this event we will be delivering our new Serious Simulation Games, the Operations Management Game OMG.
Now, we are still fine tuning the game, which the manual of the game will be given to the the workshop participants, if they want to apply it in the organization.
SEMS invite you in this event, and you could send email to on how to register. Seats are limited and special discounts available for IPOMS member
SEMS Support LKTI 2013
Posted by systems in News, Research Area, Serious Simulation Gaming SSG on 13/03/2013
Systems Engineering, Modeling, and Simulation (SEMS) Lab, by tradition, would develop simulation challenge for LKTI (National Industrial Engineering Competition), organized by Industrial Engineering Students Organization, attended by the best Industrial Engineering Students all over Indonesia. This year the theme is “Delivering Fuel for the Nation through Optimization of Supply Chain Management”, conducted at March 3 to 7, 2013. SEMS develop a fuel distribution simulation game that is part of the 2nd stage of the competition.
Each participants groups must analyze and decide how to distribute the fuel to all over Indonesia, with so many constraint capacity in the distribution network, all over Indonesia archipelago. They must consider production cost, distribution routes and cost, inventory, backlog and import cost. There were 25 groups competing in the 2nd stage and the winner must have the lowest possible total cost.
Introduction to SD Workshop 2013
Posted by systems in Continuous Event Modeling, News, Technical Area, Workshop & Training on 31/01/2013
Before we begin the new second semesters of this academic year, we are conducting a workshop on SD for all lab assistants with limited seats are available for the public. This Introduction of System Dynamics workshops consist of conceptual thinking behind SD, developing stock and flow diagram using Powersim Studio 9 and case study presentation. This routine workshops are important for the skill development of all the lab assistants.