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Introductory SD Workshop on Modeling Fiscal Policy for Sustainable Development

SEMS in collaboration with PT Makara Mas (Holding Company of Universitas Indonesia) conducted an introductory system dynamics workshop on modeling sustainable development for Fiscal Policy Agency – Ministry of Finance, Government of Indonesia. The workshop was part of Low Carbon Support, provided by the United Kingdom (UK) for the Ministry of Finance, especially the Centre for Climate Change Financing and Multilateral Policy (PKPPIM) in the Fiscal Policy Agency. PKPPIM are tasked to recommend a low carbon fiscal policies especially starting from the national budget 2015. This is why they needed a more integrated modeling tool to be able to evaluate green fiscal policy impacts.

FPA has already a strong group of economic models that are based on IO Models, SAM, and CGE, however since the questions of green policy is multi-dimensions with multi-sectoral approach, they feel that they need to have a more adaptive model to answer these questions.

The workshop was conducted for 5 days in the 2nd week of February, ranging from the basics of systems thinking and system dynamics, group dynamics, simple model building and closed by discussion on future models development of a new “green fiscal policy” model.

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Modeling Inclusive Green Economy, Bergen, Norway

Pak Akhmad was invited to become one of the speakers in the international workshop on Modeling Inclusive Green Economies, which jointly conducted by United Nations Environmental Protection (UNEP) University of Bergen (UiB), and the Millennium Institute. This workshop is part of PAGE initiatives that was formulated to follow on RIO+20. The partnership for Action on Green Economy (PAGE)  drives a multi-stakeholder and participatory approach to create inclusive, sustainable societies. PAGE is driven by a collaboration of UN institutions regarding inclusive green economy between UNEP, International Labor Organization (ILO), United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR)

The two-days seminar discuss about different modeling approach on inclusive green economy, such as IO model, CGE Models, ILO Models for defining Green Jobs, Spatial Modeling, Bio-Physical Modeling and of course System Dynamics, which primarily focus on the T21 Model developed by the Millennium Institute. It also discuss about country case studies from Africa, South America and Asia. For Asia, the representatives are from Indonesia, Thailand and China. The workshop was held in the Universitetet i Bergen, 7-8 May 2013.

Mr Akhmad presentation on the modeling of REDD+ Impacts on the Palm-oil based Biodiesel Industry in Indonesia sparked interest and many questions from the audiences at the final session of day 1. REDD+ in Indonesia is partially supported by the Norwegian government and palm oil plantation in Indonesia is considered one of the main reasons for deforestation, therefore the topics was very well accepted.

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International Workshop System Analysis and Modelling for Green Economy

President’s Delivery Unit for Development Monitoring and Oversight (UKP-PPP) in collaboration with the School of Business and Management ITB (SBM ITB) has conducted “The 2nd International Workshop on Systems Modelling: System Analysis and Modelling for Green Economy”. The main keynote speaker is Professor Dr. Pavel Kabat, the Director & CEO of International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, Austria. IIASA is an international research organization that conducts policy-oriented research into problems that are too large or too complex to be solved by a single country or academic discipline.

As an invited presenter, Pak Akhmad presented his on going research “Modeling the impacts of Indonesia’s REDD+ Initiatives to the Biodiesel Targets in the Green Economy Framework using System Dynamics”.


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