Posts Tagged Workshop

Workshop on Model-Based Policy Making at WRI Indonesia

Decision-making and Policymaking require a deep systems analysis to understand the dynamics of the relationship between identified influencing factors. Computer models could help this process by predicting the future results, at the very least. White box models, such as system dynamics, have a graphical representation of connections between variables supporting the group discussions. System dynamics also force the participant to think in longer time dimensions, understand the impact of changing the context, and think in systems, rather than thinking just the components of the problems. In short, policy-making processes based on the design, development, and use of a computer model or Model-Based Policy Making (MBPM) offer different added value.


The idea of MBPM is not focused on the model development process, and this is not a computer modeling workshop. It focuses on using models to gain insight, test the policies and develop a better policy narrative. This is also the focus of the 2-days workshop conducted by SEMS for World Resource Institute Indonesia (WRI Indonesia) on August 15-16.


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Workshop on Data Analytics and Visualization

Data Modeling and Visualization is one of the branches in our optimization research. Our new research groups, Signifier Analytics, has been established to foster the development of knowledge and experience on how data can turn to insights. Two of our prominent researchers, Komarudin and Aziiz Sutrisno, shared their experience on a half-day workshop. Pak Komarudin talked about his experiences as a data scientist for a mining company in Indonesia, where he must predict the weather for the following weeks of operations based on previous year data. Pak Aziiz shared his experiences in analyzing social media for trends and how to best visualizes these data for giving insights.


The workshop is conducted in two waves, one for our students and one for external publics. The external workshop is conducted at Kekini Co-Working Space, Cikini, Jakarta

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Introductory SD Workshop on Modeling Fiscal Policy for Sustainable Development

SEMS in collaboration with PT Makara Mas (Holding Company of Universitas Indonesia) conducted an introductory system dynamics workshop on modeling sustainable development for Fiscal Policy Agency – Ministry of Finance, Government of Indonesia. The workshop was part of Low Carbon Support, provided by the United Kingdom (UK) for the Ministry of Finance, especially the Centre for Climate Change Financing and Multilateral Policy (PKPPIM) in the Fiscal Policy Agency. PKPPIM are tasked to recommend a low carbon fiscal policies especially starting from the national budget 2015. This is why they needed a more integrated modeling tool to be able to evaluate green fiscal policy impacts.

FPA has already a strong group of economic models that are based on IO Models, SAM, and CGE, however since the questions of green policy is multi-dimensions with multi-sectoral approach, they feel that they need to have a more adaptive model to answer these questions.

The workshop was conducted for 5 days in the 2nd week of February, ranging from the basics of systems thinking and system dynamics, group dynamics, simple model building and closed by discussion on future models development of a new “green fiscal policy” model.

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Prototyping OMG for IPOMS Event on April 17: Getting in the Game

SEMS with Indonesian Production and Operation Management Society IPOMS are collaborating to conducting an event in 17 April 2013 as part of IPOMS Gathering Week. The one day event is named as Getting Into the Games, in which we are explaining about how serious games can help companies to gather and distribute knowledge by increasing their learning effectiveness.

For this event we will be delivering our new Serious Simulation Games, the Operations Management Game OMG.


Now, we are still fine tuning the game, which the manual of the game will be given to the the workshop participants, if they want to apply it in the organization.

SEMS invite you in this event, and you could send email to on how to register. Seats are limited and special discounts available for IPOMS member


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Financial Modelling Workshop 2012

On march 31st 2012, financial modelling workshop was conducted at SEMS Lab from 10AM-4PM which involved all SEMS lab assistants and 19 paticipants from Industrial Engineering students. The instructors for the workshop are Rakhmat Satriawan and Tyonardo Cahyadi who are also the Researcher Assistant of SEMS Lab.
We had three sections in this workshop: definition and introduction of modeling itself, basic excel, and financial modeling. Each person got one personal computer to practice what instructor taught.
Definition of modeling is really important to tell since we all have to know when we should use financial modeling in real life by giving application example. Financial modeling is a task of building representation (model) of financial decision making situation. Five things we should do before we start building model: learn the required basic skills; understand the business model; define the objective; define the scope of the model; and beware of the deadline.


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