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Workshop on Data Analytics and Visualization

Data Modeling and Visualization is one of the branches in our optimization research. Our new research groups, Signifier Analytics, has been established to foster the development of knowledge and experience on how data can turn to insights. Two of our prominent researchers, Komarudin and Aziiz Sutrisno, shared their experience on a half-day workshop. Pak Komarudin talked about his experiences as a data scientist for a mining company in Indonesia, where he must predict the weather for the following weeks of operations based on previous year data. Pak Aziiz shared his experiences in analyzing social media for trends and how to best visualizes these data for giving insights.


The workshop is conducted in two waves, one for our students and one for external publics. The external workshop is conducted at Kekini Co-Working Space, Cikini, Jakarta

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2nd Asia-Pacific Region System Dynamics Conference

APSDC 2017 The 2nd Asia-Pacific Region System Dynamics Conference of the System Dynamics Society were held at UTown, National University of Singapore. The theme for this conference is Charting a Path to a Humane and Sustainable Future: Asia’s Leadership Role. The conference brought together various disciplines that have been using Systems Thinking, System Dynamics and Systems Engineering approach in understanding and solving problems. The conference seeks to popularize and extend systems thinking and System Dynamics modelling in the Asia-Pacific Region by facilitating interactions between practitioners from the region and around the world, introducing newcomers to the field, and keeping practitioners aware of current developments.

It brought together so many practitioners in the regions, including group of Indonesian SD practitioners. We hope that in the future, we could establish an Indonesia Chapter of System Dynamics, since currently Indonesia falls into the Australasian Chapters and newly established ASEAN Chapter.

SEMS Lab presented 2 papers in this event that falls in the strategy group of papers.

These are the excerpt of the papers presented by SEMS Lab

1. System Dynamics Approach in Managing Turnover Problem in Profesional Service Firms

Authors: Arry Destyanto, Armand Moeis, Akhmad Hidayatno, Mohammad Rizky Nur Iman

Talented human resources is one of the key factors in a firm’s success to maintain its competitive advantage in the global era. The rising trend of turnover is causing firms to rethink their strategy in maintaining their talented human resource. This issue challenges firms especially that rely on talented human resource such as professional service firms. Turnover has direct and indirect negative impact for firms. Previous researches had been conducted research to understand the underlying problem that causes turnover, and the strategy to overcome it. This research calls for a modeling structure of the turnover phenomena using a system dynamics approach, which can also be used to simulate various strategy. The output of the model is a recommendation of strategy that is most effective and has the best return on investment for organization. The results of simulation study will be discussed at the end of the paper.

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2. Scenario Planning using System Dynamics for Reducing Uncertainty on Managing Employee Turnover

Authors: Akhmad Hidayatno, Arry Destyanto, Armand Moeis, Mohammad Rizky Nur Iman

In order to maintain the competitiveness of an organization in the global competition era, the presence of qualified human resources has become one of the key factors. Unlike product quality, qualified human resources have the capacity and talents that are not easy to replicate. Therefore, researchers and practitioners have been looking for the best strategy to manage turnover in an organization. However, the problem with turnover is that it has become more dynamic and changes along time, causing for uncertainties in the impact of the strategy implemented. This research will show how ‘scenario planning’ is used in a system dynamics model to minimize the level of uncertainties. The scenarios generated are not limited to the changes in assumptions, but also includes alternatives of trends that may happen in the future (plausible scenario). This paper focuses on discussing the process of generating and testing the plausible scenarios to the model. The implication of the scenarios is also compared to the initial output of the model.

APSDC 2017  (3)



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SEMS Researchers Team at QiR Seminar

Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia organized the 13th International Conference on Quality in Research (QiR) 2013, following the previous successful conference in Bali in 2011. The bi-annual International Seminar are open for all Engineering Disciplines, including Industrial Engineering. The selected theme for this year conference is “Exploring Innovation for Enhancement of Human Life and Environment”. Under this theme the conference focuses on the innovative contributions in science, engineering and design as well as their market perspectives to the existing and future enhancement of human life and environment quality. The seminar was held in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, 25-28 June 2013, at the Sheraton Mustika Hotel.

SEMS supports this seminar by presenting 2 papers regarding the use of system dynamics in marketing strategy. The paper was presented by Mr. Irvanu Rahman and Mr. Rama Raditya. It was a successful. We invite you to come for 2015 QiR, planned in August 2015.

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Modeling Inclusive Green Economy, Bergen, Norway

Pak Akhmad was invited to become one of the speakers in the international workshop on Modeling Inclusive Green Economies, which jointly conducted by United Nations Environmental Protection (UNEP) University of Bergen (UiB), and the Millennium Institute. This workshop is part of PAGE initiatives that was formulated to follow on RIO+20. The partnership for Action on Green Economy (PAGE)  drives a multi-stakeholder and participatory approach to create inclusive, sustainable societies. PAGE is driven by a collaboration of UN institutions regarding inclusive green economy between UNEP, International Labor Organization (ILO), United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR)

The two-days seminar discuss about different modeling approach on inclusive green economy, such as IO model, CGE Models, ILO Models for defining Green Jobs, Spatial Modeling, Bio-Physical Modeling and of course System Dynamics, which primarily focus on the T21 Model developed by the Millennium Institute. It also discuss about country case studies from Africa, South America and Asia. For Asia, the representatives are from Indonesia, Thailand and China. The workshop was held in the Universitetet i Bergen, 7-8 May 2013.

Mr Akhmad presentation on the modeling of REDD+ Impacts on the Palm-oil based Biodiesel Industry in Indonesia sparked interest and many questions from the audiences at the final session of day 1. REDD+ in Indonesia is partially supported by the Norwegian government and palm oil plantation in Indonesia is considered one of the main reasons for deforestation, therefore the topics was very well accepted.

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