OMG! Operation Management Game

OMG 3D CoverOMG! isthe first highly-customizable table-top board-game in Indonesia (and probably the world). The Operation Management Game (OMG!) was designed to help managers and leaders learn about various operations management aspects in a simulated production line. OMG is an example of Serious Simulation Games (SSG), which is games of real-world systems designed for the purpose of learning, research, and problem solving. In SSG, participants are immersed in a simulated learning environment that is risk free and challenging. This environment creates an ideal place to test decisions and learn from the feedbacks without costly disruptions of the real systems.
OMG! is one of many SSG products developed at our laboratory: Systems Engineering, Modeling and Simulation (SEMS Lab), Industrial Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia. We currently focus on building SSG that covers problems in supply chain management, industrial management, and technology policy. Some of these products are the Kontainer Game, Financial Management Game, BIEOND Biodiesel Industry Policy Simulator, Franchise Management Game, Reverse Logistics Simulator and many other SSG. Almost all of our SSGs were developed using various computer simulation technology, as our lab core competency.

SEMS Lab also involves in developing solutions to complex systemic problems using multi-approach multi-method modeling and simulation tools. In fact, SEMS Lab. is the only research laboratory in Indonesia that has complete set of licensed modeling and simulation applications for delivering a specific solution or a combination of modeling solutions. Our researches at our campus have enabled us to develop and collect a knowledge library on what is the best way to develop simulation solutions.

If you want to use SSG, these are the downloadable material that you can use based on the book

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