Industrial Sustainabilty

Research in Industrial Sustainability

Sustainable Development covers 3 interest areas that includes green economy, renewable energy and urban development. Sustainable development seeks a balanced development between economy, social and environment. This balance offers a complex challenge for modeling, with dynamics trade off, multiple goals and perspectives.

Selected Papers in Industrial Sustainability

Green Economy

  • Financial Analysis of Integrated Biodiesel Industry in Indonesia, Akhmad Hidayatno, Aziiz Sutrisno, Yuri M. Zagloel, Widodo W. Purwanto. International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering. Vol 12. No 1. 2012

Renewable Energy

  • System Dynamics Model for Understanding Economic and Social Contributions of Biodiesel Industry in Indonesia. The Fourth International Conference on Modelling and Simulation. April 25-27, 2011 . Phuket Island, Thailand.
  • Hidayatno, A., Zagloel YM & Purwanto WW. Understanding the Challenges of Indonesian CPO-Based biodiesel Producers on Meeting Indonesia’s 2025 biodiesel Target through development of Business Models using Systems Dynamics Approach. Proceedings of International Symposium on Sustainable Energy and Environmental Protection (ISSEEP) 2009, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, 23-26 Oktober 2009.

Urban Development

  • A System Dynamics Sustainability Model to Visualize the Interaction between Economic, Social, and Environment Aspects of Jakarta’s Urban Development. International Seminar on Science and Technology Innovations, University of Al Azhar Indonesia. October 2, 2012
  • System Dynamics Model of City Waste Management to Reduce the Bottleneck (Model Dinamis Pengelolaan Sampah untuk Mengurangi Beban Penumpukan). Isti Surjandari, Akhmad Hidayatno, Ade Supriatna. Jurnal Teknik Industri, Dec 2009 / Vol 11 / No 2. Universitas Kristen Petra, Surabaya, East Java.