Posts Tagged Assistant Development

Congratulations to New SEMS Graduates 2014

Department of Industrial Engineering UI have confirmed more than 50 students for bachelor or master degree of Industrial Engineering in 2014. SEMS Lab itself has 9 new bachelors of engineering and 3 new masters of engineering  SEMS also wants to say congratulation for all new bachelors and masters of industrial engineering for their contribution so far in improving SEMS research. Those masters of engineering from SEMS are :

  • Arry Rahmawan ST., MT.
  • Candra Bangun Wiguna ST., MT.
  • Tubagus Ahmad Chair Chaulan ST., MT.

And those of bachelors of engineering from SEMS are :

  • Alvin Goputra ST.
  • Andreas Yanuar Hanaekan Nainggolan ST.
  • Aqmayrina ST.
  • Dian Widayanti ST.
  • Gede Arya Satya Dharma ST.
  • Laras Putri Paramarta ST.
  • Ramadhianto Agung Wibowo ST.
  • Santo Freddy ST.
  • Wulan Maulidiah ST.

Those Research Assistants (RA) focused on many topics such as port/maritime logistic, airport optimization, risk management, employee’s turnover in company, etc. Port logistic discussed about port terminal productivity and shipping route analysis. Besides seaport, SEMS also developed research in airport such as gate scheduling and virtual queuing. This year, SEMS laboratory tries to focus on actual condition in the real world. That’s why SEMS developed research about risk management, employee’s turnover in company, and projection of energy demand in inland transportation.

Our RA also took one of transportation projects in DKI Jakarta to become our research which is Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) Jakarta. In this research they were calculating energy consumption and carbon emission in MRT operation and designing ticket system (smart-card based) of MRT. All RA have passed final presentation that were held in the end of June 2014.


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SEMS Recruitment 2014

As part of the regeneration process, SEMS conducted new recruitment for the new class of SEMS Lab Assistant (LA). All the new candidates of LA was instructed to solve a very simple case problems of “How many chickens are needed for the famous fried chicken joint near campus?”

Within 15 minutes, all candidates must prepare a short presentation using an A2 paper, which show the logic and answer for this problems.

After praying break on the evening, 10 Candidates were deemed passed. They are : Adi Putra, Ayudya, Rachel, Reza, Steven, Tara, Wimala, Zaki,  Rizky Nur Iman dan Marshal Bagus.

Congratulations to all of you, and we are waiting for you to contribute to the development of SEMS Lab.

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Launching OMG and IPOMS Gathering 2013

The Operation Management Game (OMG!) was designed to help managers and leaders learn about various operations management aspects in a simulated production line. OMG is an example of Serious Simulation Games (SSG), which is games of real-world systems designed for the purpose of learning, research, and problem solving. In SSG, participants are immersed in a simulated learning environment that is risk free and challenging. This environment creates an ideal place to test decisions and learn from the feedbacks without costly disruptions of the real systems.

OMG! is one of many SSG products developed at our laboratory: Systems Engineering, Modeling and Simulation (SEMS Lab), Industrial Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia. We currently focus on building SSG that covers problems in supply chain management, industrial management, and technology policy. Some of these products are the kontainer game, financial management game, BIEOND Biodiesel Industry Policy Simulator, Franchise Management Game, Reverse Logistics Simulator and many other SSG. Almost all of our SSGs were developed using various computer simulation technology, as SEMS lab core competency.

During an IPOMS (Indonesian Production and Operations Management Society) Gathering, we launched the OMG by playing the game with all the participant gathering. The game was a success and wait for our book that will be published to explain about the game and how your organizations can easily develop and implement the game itself. SEMS has copyrighted the game and planned to just give the concept and design for the public to use it for free. Read the rest of this entry »

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New SEMS Lab Assistant Recruitment 2013

We finally recruit new laboratory assistants for SEMS today. From almost more than 30 applicants, we finally narrow down to just 13 for interviews,  continuing with  group interviews and accepted 10 new lab assistant.

The number was based on the capacity for research assistants as lab. They are: Bramka Arga Jafino, Dio Aufa Handoyo, Reinaldo Giovanni, Roja Sonaji, M. Yusuf Mulyana, Hasna Afifah, Kezia Saraswati, Benita Dian P., Ulya Khairani, dan Wildana Ramadhani

We also receiving four new research assistants:  Gede Arya Satya Dharma, Wulan Maulidiah, Aqmayrina dan Intan Elfrieda Chaerunisha.

Read the rest of this entry »

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SEMS Welcoming Internship from ISTIA France

In the next 3 Months, SEMS lab will host 2 undergraduate students form a total of 3 from the ISTIA (Institut des Sciences et Techniques de l’Université d’Angers). Thomas Richard and  Timothée Wadoux, from the Industrial System Engineering School, will be joining our research team. They will be focusing on developing an Agent Based Simulation Model. Of coursem they must also  learning about Indonesia’s rich and diverse culture. We welcome them to Indonesia and SEMS Lab.


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