Posts Tagged SEMS Orientation

SEMS Recruitment 2014

As part of the regeneration process, SEMS conducted new recruitment for the new class of SEMS Lab Assistant (LA). All the new candidates of LA was instructed to solve a very simple case problems of “How many chickens are needed for the famous fried chicken joint near campus?”

Within 15 minutes, all candidates must prepare a short presentation using an A2 paper, which show the logic and answer for this problems.

After praying break on the evening, 10 Candidates were deemed passed. They are : Adi Putra, Ayudya, Rachel, Reza, Steven, Tara, Wimala, Zaki,  Rizky Nur Iman dan Marshal Bagus.

Congratulations to all of you, and we are waiting for you to contribute to the development of SEMS Lab.

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SEMS Welcoming Internship from ISTIA France

In the next 3 Months, SEMS lab will host 2 undergraduate students form a total of 3 from the ISTIA (Institut des Sciences et Techniques de l’Université d’Angers). Thomas Richard and  Timothée Wadoux, from the Industrial System Engineering School, will be joining our research team. They will be focusing on developing an Agent Based Simulation Model. Of coursem they must also  learning about Indonesia’s rich and diverse culture. We welcome them to Indonesia and SEMS Lab.


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Welcoming New Lab Assistants 2012

As part of regeneration of lab assistants in SEMS Lab, we are receiving new lab assistants for 2012. With so many applicants interested to become SEMS Lab Assistant, the selection committee conducts numerous meetings to create criteria, discussion and develop recommendation list to head of SEMS lab, Pak Akhmad.

Another new process introduced this year is interview process. Read the rest of this entry »


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New IEUI Students of 2011 Visit

Welcoming the best Industrial Engineering students in Indonesia to our laboratory!

As part of the orientation program for campus life introduction, new students (batch 2011) of Industrial Engineering visited our lab. First on Monday, August 16th 2011 for Regular and on Friday, 19th August 2011 for Parallel Students. They were received by Mr. Akhmad Hidayatno as our head of lab and Mr. Gersianto as the graduates from our lab after their reception by Prof. Yuri as the head of department and lecturer about orientation of industrial engineering department.

IEUI New Students of 2011 Visited SEMS Lab

The 10-minutes visit was started by explanation and introduction about what Industrial Engineering is and SEMS lab, what kind of activities in lab, demo’s of students work and kind of softwares available in the lab to learn. They also introduced to several essential games of simulation, like Crate Beer Game to learn about system thinking by SEMS lab assistants.

Read the rest of this entry »


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