Posts Tagged Knowledge Sharing
Financial Modelling Workshop 2012
Posted by arry in News, Workshop & Training on 31/03/2012
SEMS Lab Participate in 1st Workshop on System Modeling for Policy Development
Posted by systems in Research Area, Sustainable Industrial Policy on 25/10/2011
Two of our researchers, Akhmad Hidayatno and Armand Omar, participated in the 1st Workshop on System Modeling for Policy Development, jointly organized by UKP4 (The Presidential Working Unit for Supervision and Management of Development) and ITB’s School of Business and Management. Mr Akhmad Hidayatno was invited after submitting his paper based on his Ph.D thesis on the sustainable development of biodiesel industry though a multi-level system dynamics model.
This 1st workshop’s theme were “Rehearsing Initiatives” which was explain by Dr. Kuntoro Mangkusubroto as head of the UKP4 to rehearse or exercising policies using the system modeling approach as the next important stage for one of UKP4’s roles to support the decision making of the Presidency. There were 40 paper submitted and 9 were selected to be presented in this workshop, from various institutions in Indonesia.
The workshop also opened by the keynote speech from Prof. Iwan Jaya Azis from Cornell University, who is currently on loan at Asian Development Bank (ADB). His speech talked about the use of modeling in economics and how we should approach and use them.
The workshop was considered a success, and the subsequent workshops will be conducted in the future to gain more insights from the use of systems modeling in policy development.
Accenture Lecture Series on Technology Begins
Posted by systems in Class, Knowledge Area, Lean and Green Operations, News, Research Area on 25/10/2011
SEMS Lab is coordinating the series of lecture from Accenture entitled: Accenture Lecture Series on Technology as part of the Management of Technology Course.
Accenture has graciously allow their consultants to share their experience and knowledge in the field of ERP Implementation, Knowledge Management, Change Management and New Trends in Technology.
Today Mr. Donny Salaki started the lecture series with ERP Implementation as the main topics, the class generated excitement among the students which makes the class prolonged for almost an hour.
ITT Telkom Visit SEMS Lab
SEMShare: Industrial Engineers & Capital Markets
Posted by systems in Lab Development Program, News on 28/04/2011
SEMShare topics for this time is about Industrial Engineers and Capital Markets. The knowledge sharing events invited Mr Yanuar Pranuradhi as Head of Business Development at PT Mandiri Sekuritas.
Pak Yanuar started by reflecting on his years in IEUI on how he, as an Industrial Engineers, transformed from working in engineering at Schlumberger to finally arrived working in the capital markets. He then explained how the capital markets works to highlight all the sub-sistems in which how Industrial Engineers could contribute by utilizing the system approach on improving the process.
The session was alive with questions about capital markets, including the last world economic crisis which somehow triggered by the capital markets.
We would like to thanks pak Yanuar who had taken the time from his busy schedule to share his knowledge with us.
SEMShare is a regular program from SEMS Lab in which we invites experts for open discussion within small groups to expand our horizon of thinking.