Posts Tagged SSG
SEMS Play Day!
Posted by systems in News, Research Area, Research Highlights, Serious Simulation Gaming SSG, Workshop & Training on 28/09/2018
As part of our research in Serious Simulation Games or SSG, we are testing two of our serious games for public feedback. We called this event SEMS Play Day.
The first game that we are testing is the Project Management Game or PMG, and the second game is MAGPort SSG. PMG has a new redesign board to make it more portable, and MAGPort or Multi-Actor Game for Port Development is our new game that for the first time considering a multi-actor scenario.
The participants provide very valuable feedbacks into the design and delivery of both games. They all appreciate the use of Serious Simulation Games for Learning.
We will be conducting more PlayDay Event in the future. So be sure to wait for our announcement.
Educating society about energy transition through excitement of a game? Why not!
Posted by systems in Clean and Renewable Energy, Decision Modeling, Knowledge Area, News, Research Area, Research Highlights, Sustainable Industrial Policy, Technical Area, Technology Policy Transitions, Web-Based on 15/06/2017
The increase of energy consumption especially in the form of oil is being an issue for certain countries including Indonesia. Within the rise of 3.99% of energy consumption annually, transportation sector having the largest portion of energy consumption (Indonesia Outlook Energy, 2016). There are 17.523.967 vehicles in Jakarta, the capital of Indonesia, with 74.66% of the numbers are motorbikes and 18.64% are cars. The use of oil in most land transportation vehicles has lead oil to be the most used fuel by the market share of 32% compared to other type of fuel. Unfortunately, the oil production in Indonesia has been constantly decreased within 4.41% per year. It leads Indonesia to be the net importer of oil and depending on the oil supply by other countries. The condition of being net importer of oil having many effects of short and long run in Indonesia’s economic.
the respond to the increase of oil consumption, the government releasing an energy diversification program to reduce oil consumption by substitute the oil to other type of fuel like gas, biofuel, renewable energy and many others. One of the diversification plan is the conversion of oil to natural gas program. This program has been conducted since 1987, however until 2011 it only achieved 0.03% conversion rate. Based on the study from Bureau of Oil and Gas, one of the success key for conversion from oil to gas program is through education and socialization to the society. Conversion from oil to gas is a kind of energy transition which is defined by Chappin (2011) as the socio-technical transition in the scale of sector. To do the simulation about energy transition physical and social components from the energy transition system needs to be captured.
Learning Strategic Sourcing Management through Serious simulation Game
Posted by systems in Financial Modeling, Ports, Logistics and Supply Chain, Research Area, Research Highlights, Serious Simulation Gaming SSG, Technical Area on 22/02/2017
Why bother with uninteresting hours of classroom session, when you can play a game and learn more?
Despite the importance of its functionality, research shows that many of the world procurement and purchasing specialist around the world are still having trouble in developing and implementing an effective strategy towards sourcing, according to KMPG International report (2012). Some still perceive the approach in sourcing is to find the lowest cost and ignores the true potential of sourcing.
In the globalization era, the challenge in sourcing has been more complex than before and will continue to rise. Sourcing researcher, Kate Vitasek and alongside many others state that you should view sourcing as a business model with the goal to maximize value. Sourcing is not just merely obtaining products or services at the lowest price, but to obtain them at the right price. By choosing the right business model for your sourcing situation, you can harness the true potential value sourcing.
Unfortunately, the concept of sourcing model is not yet widely recognized. Although many firms may have or are implementing some of them, the basic knowledge of the sourcing business model development process is still a problem to many sourcing professionals. In order to help the professionals to gain a better understanding of sourcing business model development process, a serious simulation game is presented as a solution.
Serious simulation game has been used in many pedagogical purposes throughout different fields such as supply chain management, business simulation, medical and military. The gaming environment creates an immersive learning medium and therefore is able to improve the learning process of its participants.
By developing a serious simulation game in form of a board game, participants are able to learn the key concepts of sourcing business models and the different impact of each models. Before the game participants can have the chance to develop and choose the best sourcing business model for the situation. The benefit of playing a game is that participants can know whether they have chosen the right sourcing model.
The game presented in this research proves another example of a pedagogical use of a serious simulation game. Serious simulation game is seen as a suitable learning medium especially for the millennials. The immersive value offered by gaming help learner to stay focus. When learner are involved in the system, there is a better chance that they can understand and remember better. This is also an example of an experiential learning method, where learner can improve their mental models to make better decisions by learning through simulation.
The serious simulation game presented, is developed through the game development guideline set by Richard D. Duke and his colleagues. Keeping in mind that the game must balance the realm of meaning, reality and play as suggested by Casper Hartevald in his “Triadic Game Design” book. The design process also look upon the examples of existing serious simulation game. A group of students from Universitas Indonesia were called as participant respondents of the game. Through the testing of the game, we learn how the game has helped the participants gaining better understanding of the subject.
In conclusion, we have seen how a serious simulation game can help learner to understand complex system which requires an effective learning medium. The game can be used as a learning medium alternatives for professionals and students. By improving their understanding of the system, hopefully they can put the knowledge into practice and solve issues surrounding sourcing strategy.
This research is conducted by M. Rizky Nur Iman, Arry Rahmawan and Akhmad Hidayatno
SEMS Facilitate Stage 2 of LKTI 2012
Posted by systems in News, Serious Simulation Gaming SSG on 07/03/2012
LKTI the first and prominent National Industrial Engineering Competitions in Indonesia is current underway in Industrial Engineering Department. This year topics is Green Manufacturing, in which 25 teams from all over Indonesia, compete in 3 Stages of Competition, starting from the 1st stage of theoretical capability, 2nd stage of simulation analysis and the 3rd stage of case study analysis with real case study.
SEMS facilitates 5 teams to compete in our lab, playing a simulator of a manufacturing company that has challenge of trade off between growth and economic impacts. The simulator was develop by team of scientific committee which in majority consist of SEMS lab assistants. Good luck for all participants and good job for all committees.
Energy Management Final with Serious Games
Posted by systems in Class, News, Serious Simulation Gaming SSG on 26/05/2011
As the final weeks of 2011 2nd-semester is ending, the Energy Management Class has a unique and one-of-kind final exams in University of Indonesia. The exam used a simulation gaming applications based on systems dynamics. The topics of the exam is on analysis of electricity subsidy in Indonesia.
The game simulate various decision making process that the students could test, and then based on the results, they were asked a series of analytical questions that can get from the game. The answers were collected real time online in SEMS lab computers.