Archive for category News
Beer Game SimGame for 2014 Class
Another year another beer game for Undergraduate Systems Modeling Class 2014. Again, the game is crucial to challenge their mental model which is an important part of becoming a good system modeler.
Congratulations to New SEMS Graduates 2014
Posted by systems in Lab Development Program, News on 12/07/2014
Department of Industrial Engineering UI have confirmed more than 50 students for bachelor or master degree of Industrial Engineering in 2014. SEMS Lab itself has 9 new bachelors of engineering and 3 new masters of engineering SEMS also wants to say congratulation for all new bachelors and masters of industrial engineering for their contribution so far in improving SEMS research. Those masters of engineering from SEMS are :
- Arry Rahmawan ST., MT.
- Candra Bangun Wiguna ST., MT.
- Tubagus Ahmad Chair Chaulan ST., MT.
And those of bachelors of engineering from SEMS are :
- Alvin Goputra ST.
- Andreas Yanuar Hanaekan Nainggolan ST.
- Aqmayrina ST.
- Dian Widayanti ST.
- Gede Arya Satya Dharma ST.
- Laras Putri Paramarta ST.
- Ramadhianto Agung Wibowo ST.
- Santo Freddy ST.
- Wulan Maulidiah ST.
Those Research Assistants (RA) focused on many topics such as port/maritime logistic, airport optimization, risk management, employee’s turnover in company, etc. Port logistic discussed about port terminal productivity and shipping route analysis. Besides seaport, SEMS also developed research in airport such as gate scheduling and virtual queuing. This year, SEMS laboratory tries to focus on actual condition in the real world. That’s why SEMS developed research about risk management, employee’s turnover in company, and projection of energy demand in inland transportation.
Our RA also took one of transportation projects in DKI Jakarta to become our research which is Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) Jakarta. In this research they were calculating energy consumption and carbon emission in MRT operation and designing ticket system (smart-card based) of MRT. All RA have passed final presentation that were held in the end of June 2014.
National Energy Council Workshop on SD
SEMS Laboratory is developing a model to evaluate the energy impact on land transportation strategy for the Dewan Energi Nasional (DEN – National Energy Council). The model is based on System Dynamics, therefore we kick off the model development by conducting an introductory one-day workshop on System Dynamics Modeling.
Our researcher, Aziiz Sutrisno, lead the workshop aims to give a foundation for the council’s expert to understand the SD “engine” of the model.
SEMS Recruitment 2014
Posted by systems in Lab Development Program, News on 07/03/2014
As part of the regeneration process, SEMS conducted new recruitment for the new class of SEMS Lab Assistant (LA). All the new candidates of LA was instructed to solve a very simple case problems of “How many chickens are needed for the famous fried chicken joint near campus?”
Within 15 minutes, all candidates must prepare a short presentation using an A2 paper, which show the logic and answer for this problems.
After praying break on the evening, 10 Candidates were deemed passed. They are : Adi Putra, Ayudya, Rachel, Reza, Steven, Tara, Wimala, Zaki, Rizky Nur Iman dan Marshal Bagus.
Congratulations to all of you, and we are waiting for you to contribute to the development of SEMS Lab.
SEMS Research Start Briefs 2014
Posted by systems in Lab Development Program, News, Workshop & Training on 18/02/2014
With the new research assistants on board and the start of new semester, SEMS created a new activity to help jumpstart the research activities of our new 12 junior researchers.
The activity is focusing on how to develop their research into paper, research writing tips and the logic of how a good paper should be presented.