Archive for category News
Greater Jakarta Commuter Line Modeling Project 2012
Posted by systems in Class, Discrete Event Modeling, Knowledge Area, News, Research Area, Sustainable Industrial Policy, Technical Area, Urban Industrial Development on 10/01/2012
This year, as part of the modeling project major assignment of system modeling class, the class decided to raise the topic that are close to their daily activities, the Greater Jakarta Commuter Line. Universitas Indonesia has a dedicated intercity rail station of a train line that spans from Central Jakarta to the Bogor City in the south area , nickname “KA Jabotabek”, KA is an acronym for “Kereta Api” or Trains. It is targeted that in 2014, there will be 1.2 million passengers carried by this line
The model are complex and challenging with so many obstacles since they started building the model 2 months ago. However, they have successfully completed their model, and today they will be presenting their models in the SEMS Lab’s Simulation Gaming Area. Each groups will be presenting a specific problems that they want to solve based on the generic model they vuild, from maintenance scheduling, passenger queue, resource scheduling, train schedule, electrical supply and many other.
Therefore, congratulations to Class of 2009 on they achievement on developing a very complex discrete event model.
Brief Visit from University’s Board of Professors
To foster research across discipline, a few members of the Universitas Indonesia’s Board of Professors, is visiting the SEMS Lab. Accompanied by head of IE Departement, Prof. Yuri and the Dean of Faculty of Engineering, Prof. Bambang, our guest was received by Pak Akhmad. Pak Akhma explained about the scope works and researches of the SEMS lab, highlighting that many field of research could now be modeled and simulated using the facilities of SEMS Lab. The presentation also discuss the applications of modeling in city planning, health issues, and management cases.
Accenture Lecture Series on Technology Begins
Posted by systems in Class, Knowledge Area, Lean and Green Operations, News, Research Area on 25/10/2011
SEMS Lab is coordinating the series of lecture from Accenture entitled: Accenture Lecture Series on Technology as part of the Management of Technology Course.
Accenture has graciously allow their consultants to share their experience and knowledge in the field of ERP Implementation, Knowledge Management, Change Management and New Trends in Technology.
Today Mr. Donny Salaki started the lecture series with ERP Implementation as the main topics, the class generated excitement among the students which makes the class prolonged for almost an hour.
ITT Telkom Visit SEMS Lab
Beer Game with New Redesign Board
Posted by systems in Class, Serious Simulation Gaming SSG on 15/10/2011
The beer game board that we were previously using was created 10 years ago, using a simple banner material with one color: black.
With the new affordable printing technology for banner printing, we are able to redesign the board with more color.
Today is the first time we were using the new board. The class were facilitated 3 of our lab assistants: Irvanu Rachman, Christian Susanto, and Tyonardo Cahayadi