Posts Tagged Operational Excellence

Does the power of Social Media influences E-Commerce Business?

ecommerce-2140603_640Social media has become a great part of someone’s life. People can’t wait to update their social media accounts, or at least get updated about the world simply by watching their timeline. Social media here is defined as every internet-based application that allows you to create and exchange contents with other people around the globe.  The number of Internet users in Indonesia has reached 132.7 million people in 2016. With a number this high, Internet also is seen as a potential business platform. In 2016 the total of e-commerce in Indonesia has reached 26.2 million units, with its biggest selling product is in the fashion segment. Internet is not only giving advantages for companies for their business, but also some threats regarding the tougher competition in the market, especially for e-commerce companies.

A study has found that marketing through social media gave significant effect on increasing trust and loyalty of customers towards a brand. Therefore, companies see social media as a potential marketing medium, to retain their competitiveness in the market. By increasing their customers’ trust and loyalty towards their brand, companies can focus on expanding their market and gaining new customers.

According to several papers that this research was based on, there are five social media marketing (SMM) factors, (1) Website Security, (2) Clear & updated website, (3) Social media tools activity, (4) Online advertisement, and (5) Online interactivity. The result of this research shows that three of those factors, which are (1) Clear & updated website, (2) Online advertisement, and (3) Online interactivity, give significant effect on customer’s brand trust. While brand trust gives significant effect on brand loyalty. Therefore it can be concluded that those 3 factors of SMM give also significant effect in brand loyalty indirectly through brand trust.

We develop a structural equation model (SEM) to see which and how each social media factors influencing the buying behavior of the customer. Our models show that there are 3 factors that must be the focus of the e-commerce sites when using the social media platform.

This research is conducted by Annissa Tayara Callista and Akhmad Hidayatno


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Greater Jakarta Commuter Line Modeling Project 2012

This year, as part of the modeling project major assignment of system modeling class, the class decided to raise the topic that are close to their daily activities, the Greater Jakarta Commuter Line. Universitas Indonesia has a dedicated intercity rail station of a train line that spans from Central Jakarta to the Bogor City in the south area , nickname “KA Jabotabek”, KA is an acronym for “Kereta Api” or Trains. It is targeted that in 2014, there will be 1.2 million passengers carried by this line

The model are complex and challenging with so many obstacles since they started building the model 2 months ago. However, they have successfully completed their model, and today they will be presenting their models in the SEMS Lab’s Simulation Gaming Area. Each groups will be presenting a specific problems that they want to solve based on the generic model they vuild, from maintenance scheduling, passenger queue, resource scheduling, train schedule, electrical supply and many other.

Therefore, congratulations to Class of 2009 on they achievement on developing a very complex discrete event model.


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SEMShare : Operational Excellence

The SEMS Knowledge Sharing Program (SEMShare) continues with more topics regarding the industrial engineering world. This week,  one of our alumni, Mr. Ricky Tjok, gave a lecture regarding Operational Excellence in Organization. Slightly different from the last event, this time, students who are taking the QCAS class are mandatory to attend this discussion.

Mr. Ricky Tjok graduated from IE UI in 2008, and has been working for Accenture ever since. He has done some consulting project and now ready to pass on his experience to the younger generation of IE UI Student. The discussion start with a brief explanation of Accenture and what the company does. Then, Mr. Ricky continued by explaining the definition of  Operational Exellence. Because most of the attendants are from the QCAS class, Mr. Ricky then tried to link the term “Operational Excellence” to many quality improvement methods such as Six Sigma.

The Q&A session was alive with some question from the student regarding the topic, but the focus was on the Six Sigma project since they are currently conducting that kind of project for their Final Assignment in the QCAS class.

SEMShare is a regular program from SEMS Lab in which we invites experts for open discussion within small groups to expand our horizon of thinking.

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