Posts Tagged UKP4

MP3EI Discrete Event Modeling Class Projects for Industrial Simulations

As part of the major class projects, the class of 2010 of the Industrial Simulation Class was tasked to develop a national logistics models based on MP3EI framework. Indonesia’s Masterplan for Acceleration and Expansion of Indonesia’s Economic Development (abbreviated MP3EI) is a long term plan by the Indonesian government to accelerate the realization of becoming a developed country. This will be done through “inclusive, just and simultaneous economic prominent growth”.


The class was divided into the 6 economic corridors of the MP3EI: Read the rest of this entry »

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SEMS at ABM International Workshop 2013 by SBM ITB & UKP4

SBM ITB with UKP4 (Presidential Working Unit for Supervision and Management of Development) organized International Workshop on Agent Based Modeling for Policy Development following last year successful event. This year Pak Akhmad Hidayatno was invited to present one SEMS Lab research study conducted in Agent Based Modeling regarding Pedestrian Movement. The research case study was conducted with the support of PT Mass Rapid Transit Jakarta (MRT Jakarta) to evaluate the feasibility of their current underground station design based on pedestrian movement flow. Underground stations are much more expensive the their on-land or elevated stations. Therefore, any design changes during construction could be costly.
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