Archive for category Technology Policy Transitions – Our External Website is Live
Posted by systems in Agent Based Modeling, Class, Clean and Renewable Energy, Conference, Continuous Event Modeling, Decision Modeling, Discrete Event Modeling, Financial Modeling, Green Economy, Knowledge Area, Lab Development Program, Lean and Green Operations, News, Optimization, Ports, Logistics and Supply Chain, Research Area, Research Highlights, SEMS Day Out, Serious Simulation Gaming SSG, Sustainable Industrial Policy, Technical Area, Technology Policy Transitions, Uncategorized, Urban Industrial Development, Web-Based, Workshop & Training on 03/10/2022
Educating society about energy transition through excitement of a game? Why not!
Posted by systems in Clean and Renewable Energy, Decision Modeling, Knowledge Area, News, Research Area, Research Highlights, Sustainable Industrial Policy, Technical Area, Technology Policy Transitions, Web-Based on 15/06/2017
The increase of energy consumption especially in the form of oil is being an issue for certain countries including Indonesia. Within the rise of 3.99% of energy consumption annually, transportation sector having the largest portion of energy consumption (Indonesia Outlook Energy, 2016). There are 17.523.967 vehicles in Jakarta, the capital of Indonesia, with 74.66% of the numbers are motorbikes and 18.64% are cars. The use of oil in most land transportation vehicles has lead oil to be the most used fuel by the market share of 32% compared to other type of fuel. Unfortunately, the oil production in Indonesia has been constantly decreased within 4.41% per year. It leads Indonesia to be the net importer of oil and depending on the oil supply by other countries. The condition of being net importer of oil having many effects of short and long run in Indonesia’s economic.
the respond to the increase of oil consumption, the government releasing an energy diversification program to reduce oil consumption by substitute the oil to other type of fuel like gas, biofuel, renewable energy and many others. One of the diversification plan is the conversion of oil to natural gas program. This program has been conducted since 1987, however until 2011 it only achieved 0.03% conversion rate. Based on the study from Bureau of Oil and Gas, one of the success key for conversion from oil to gas program is through education and socialization to the society. Conversion from oil to gas is a kind of energy transition which is defined by Chappin (2011) as the socio-technical transition in the scale of sector. To do the simulation about energy transition physical and social components from the energy transition system needs to be captured.
Is Indonesia Ready for New Technology in Reducing CO2 Emission?
Posted by systems in Financial Modeling, News, Research Area, Research Highlights, Serious Simulation Gaming SSG, Sustainable Industrial Policy, Technical Area, Technology Policy Transitions on 16/11/2016
Green house gases (GHG) emission is one of the environmental issues that hasn’t been resolved and continued to increase annually. Carbon dioxide gas is known as the largest contributor for GHG emissions. This environmental issue also happens in Indonesia as a developing country which has focused on sustainable development. In 2020, the total emission of carbon dioxide gas in Indonesia is predicted around 960 million ton if there is no mitigation action.
Developed and developing countries are still looking for the effective technology to answer the emission issue. The carbon dioxide gas emission has to be reduced because if there is no immediate action, the impact is not only effected to the amount of emission itself in air but also to the health issue on human. If the air is heavily contaminated, people who live on that environment will get a health problem.
In the last fifteen years, researchers who focus on cleaner energy are looking for the effective technology which can lower the level of the CO2 emission. Developed countries have landed their first step to mitigate their emission of CO2 gas by using Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) Technology. This kind of technology could effectively reduce the amount of CO2 emission in large-scale.
Indonesia is aware to the carbon dioxide gas emission issue. There are a few technologies that have been used to reduce the emission, such as: using the alternative energy which produce cleaner emission than CO2, using a cleaner technology (in transportation), reducing the use of fossil fuel, etc. Carbon capture and storage technology is still new in Indonesia, and there is no enough information and study on it. The researcher in Universitas Indonesia (majoring Industrial Engineering) helps to find the answer to this new technology. Is Indonesia ready for new technology?
The increment of carbon dioxide gas emission keeps increasing annually. Globally, there is a significant difference in incremental of the emission. From 1970 to 2000, the rise of the emission was only 1,3% per year but, from 2000 to 2010, the escalation reaches to 2,2% per year. These circumstances stand on the entire world because the human needs to make a better economy. To fulfill the better economy and life, humans aren’t satisfied. Every single days, there will be a new need from every single human. On that reason, industries grow wild and keep rising every year. Doing their activities, industries occur any kind of emission included the carbon dioxide gas emission, so the increment of carbon dioxide gas emission increases annually.
In developed countries, they have a bold step to mitigate their emission of CO2 gas by using Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) technology. A post-graduate student from Universitas Indonesia sees the gap in Indonesia. The study and information about CCS, as a new technology to reduce emission, haven’t well developed in Indonesia. Based on the situation, the student tries to do a research of CCS technology implementation in Indonesia using technology assessment method. He spent six months in doing the research in Indonesia.
The objective of the research is to find the criterias and subcriterias for the implementation of carbon capture technology with an adjustment of Indonesia’s condition. Because there is no enough information about the criteria in implementing carbon capture technology, this research could be the opening project for the further research in Indonesia. Through this study, we will seek what the subcriterias are needed to be fulfilled. It will be divided into two main criterias based on economy and environment, and the other supporting criterias are performance and technology innovation.
Data-data on the research used primary and secondary data,. Focus group discussion (FGD) and questionnaire are the main primary data, meanwhile, references from literatures are the secondary data. FGD and questionnaire involved some experts to give their perspectives on this research so the results will be various.
The results suggest the subcriterias that are important in using CCS technology are: the rate of capturing CO2 emission from its technology (for environment criteria) and investment cost of the technology (economy criteria).
The investment cost for the carbon capture technology is big enough, so the implementation itself needs support from the government and other investors. Although there are some challenges in implementing the carbon capture technology, the potential to implement the technology is opened. Indonesia has a big sources for the CO2 emission because there are still many industries using fossil fuel. If the technology applied, it could be a benefit for Indonesia in supporting the sustainable development aligned with the statement (of the government) on reducing CO2 emsision.
This research still needs to be improved, but the results as opening project are promising. Hopefully, there will be other futher research developed on this field.
This research is conducted by Reinaldo Giovanni and Akhmad Hidayatno
SEMS Research Highlights 2015: A New Strategy Development Model to Support FLNG Implementation in Indonesia
Posted by systems in Clean and Renewable Energy, Knowledge Area, News, Research Area, Research Highlights, Sustainable Industrial Policy, Technology Policy Transitions on 02/07/2015
Floating Liquefied Natural Gas (FLNG), a relatively new technology in LNG industry, appears as billion dollars attraction to uncover the massive proportion of stranded natural gas reserves. Apparently, one-third of the gas reserves in the world are located in offshore, which in many cases considered to be stranded. As the growing interest to exploit and trade all available gas reserves along with the opportunity to build the offshore LNG facilities, the FLNG gives an ideal solution. FLNG is a natural gas liquefaction and storage system which is placed directly above the gas source using technology that is installed in a ship. The entire value chain of the FLNG will be shorter than the LNG supply chain in general, since it omits the transportation of natural gas via pipeline to onshore plants.

Prelude FLNG Source:
Despite its huge positive potential impacts offered, FLNG construction in Indonesia comprises number of risks and opportunities. One of major risks in the preparation to implement FLNG technology in Indonesia is how to meet the requirements of the local content percentage. In 2013, Indonesia’s Ministry of Energy enacted a regulation of minimum local content for equipment used in the energy industry. However, the current state of local industry capacity still requires significant new development in terms of technical, engineering, and security.
A coordinated effort between relevant actors to develop the industry of FLNG development, especially for the topside structure, is also in-line with the new focus of the Government on Maritime Sector Development. Therefore, a proper multi-actor roadmap is needed to address the complexity as well as ensuring that the overall strategies can be fully understood and well implemented by all relevant parties. This would allow the government to minimize the risk of delays in the implementation and achievement of the targets.
Technology Roadmapping is a method that has been used extensively to support the development of certain types of technology. Since this research took an industrial development for FLNG implementation as a focus of the study, the roadmap is considered appropriate because it has been widely used as a planning tool in some ministries in Indonesia. However, there is a saying that goes “planning without action is futile, action without planning is fatal”. We found that a roadmap is not enough to become a planning tool for the project in this type and scale.
We proposed the integration of Technology Roadmapping and Hoshin Kanri Strategic Deployment Management. Both methods have a similarity in the importance of interactions between stakeholders to support the development and deployment of strategies and policies. Hoshin kanri is incorporated in the roadmap making to provide a clear accountability arrangement and review of the strategies with the existence of clear documentation from planning to review stage.
The proposed integration model comprises four stages process including planning, visioning, strategy and roadmap development, as well as implementation and review. In the end, the planning process would produce two main outputs that become guides in the implementation of strategies. First, a roadmap that describe the strategic plan required at a certain time period. Second, an x-matrix that translates those strategies into tactics and detailed process to achieve each result or target.
This research has managed to find a novel approach to the development of the strategy, which is conducted by integrating the approach of Technology Roadmapping and Hoshin Kanri method and serves them as a strategic planning tool. We are integrating both methods to make a more detail strategy plan that includes strategy development, deployment to all parties, and a system of periodic reviews. To this extent, the research is believed could provide a novel implication by integrating the strengths of the two methods to provide the strategic framework for industrial development in the national sector.
This research is conducted by Akhmad Hidayatno, Aziiz Sutrisno, and Wulan Maulidiah
National Energy Council Workshop on SD
SEMS Laboratory is developing a model to evaluate the energy impact on land transportation strategy for the Dewan Energi Nasional (DEN – National Energy Council). The model is based on System Dynamics, therefore we kick off the model development by conducting an introductory one-day workshop on System Dynamics Modeling.
Our researcher, Aziiz Sutrisno, lead the workshop aims to give a foundation for the council’s expert to understand the SD “engine” of the model.