Archive for category News
SD Workshop 2010
Posted by admin_sems in Continuous Event Modeling, News, Technical Area, Workshop & Training on 04/08/2010
System Dynamics Modeling Workshop is the first of (hopefully) many workshops conducted by Systems Engineering, Modeling, and Simulation (SEMS) Laboratory. The workshop centered on the modeling of System Dynamics as a tool to create a representation of many complex matters in the real world. Throughout the workshop, the participants learned the concept of System Thinking, Stock and Flow Diagram, Conceptualization with Causal Loop Diagram, and System Dynamics modeling with PowerSim. The workshop lasted for 3 days from Moncay, August 2nd to Wednesday, August 4th. The workshop consist of 20 participants from 2007, 2008, and 2009 students of TI UI. Mr. Akhmad Hidayatno, Mr. Armand Omar, and Aziiz Sutrisno are the instructors of this interactive workshop.
1st Visit to the New Space of SEMS Lab
We received our first guest from the students of Industrial Engineering Atmajaya University to the new space of our lab on the 3rd floor of the laboratory building. The space is a work in progress, but it does not stop us to explain to the students of our visions in developing our lab.
We showcase all the simulation games that we adopted and also what we have created. We also shows some the optimization applications that produced by our lab.
Beer Game Series 2007
Posted by admin_sems in Class, News on 21/09/2007
Systems thinking has been identified by the Industrial Engineering Department as the key strategic competitiveness properties that must be possessed by all of our students, from undergraduate to post-graduate master students. This is why components of systems theory and thinking has been introduced in the series of subjects in our curriculum.
Naturally, part of activities that is “required” for teaching systems thinking is the the famous Beer Games Simulation introduced by MIT. Therefore in the past month, series of Beer Games simulation has been played and facilitated by the laboratory teams.