SEMS Leadership 2012 with U Theory – Part 2

The second stage of the leadership program is to have first hand knowledge on one of the most complex systems in the world: hospital. Therefore we took the students to Admira Hospital, a private hospital, recently established in the east side of Jakarta. The hospital was designed by a dedicated profesional team that wanted to have a new kind of hospital in Indonesia, that is based on international standards. The hospital has no class types difference and only has a single class.

We have an honor to have the founder of the hospital, dr. Achmad Harjadi M.Sc, to talk about his dreams, careers, and why he design the hospital the way Admira now. He also welcomes Industrial Engineering graduates to contribute to the hospital improvement systems, since these concepts are common in the US.

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SEMS Leadership 2012 with U Theory – Part 1

As annual event for all SEMS Lab assistants, we started a leadership programs that aims to instill leadership traits in our lab assistants. The event is parallel with national youth day in Indonesia, at October 28. Based on U-Theory approach, Mrs. Ernie Widianty, as the lead facilitators, will take the assistants through the U Journey. The session started at the SEMS lab with the introduction of the concept.

The last year alumni of the leadership program Stefan, Laisha and Dhanita, who just recently graduated, also helps to facilitate their juniors.

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The Annual Beer Game Sims at Systems Modeling Class 2012

With the revised curriculum 2012, we are starting to introduce the beer game simulation for the undergraduate class of systems modeling this year. This was the largest size of beer game participants ever conducted by us so far with nearly 100 participants. We have to use the main hall at the 5th floor of the department building for this simulations with the help of all SEMS Lab assistants. One lab assistants was assigned to mentor one board after the initial instructions briefing. As usual a lot confusions on the start of the game, however with the improved instructions using animated slides and one mentor one board, the process went faster than what we are predicted. As usual also, with the progress of the game, faces of confusions, excitement or shocked rose during the game.


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The Start of New Academic Year with New Curriculum

Starting New Class of System Modeling 2012

This week at Universitas Indonesia, is the start of a new academic year 2012/2013. In the Industrial Engineering Department, this is also the start of new curriculum design that has been discuss for over year. The new curriculum emphasizes on the engineering design side of industrial engineering. This emphasize naturally requires more modeling support from the SEMS lab.

Based on the new curriculum, on the optimization track we have the basic: linear programming class, the core: operations research, the advance: advanced optimization (e-lective). For what-if track, we have discrete event modeling courses: systems modeling and industrial simulation, and in continuous event modeling courses: systems thinking and systems dynamics (e), converging into advanced modeling course (e) which discuss simulation gaming, object-oriented and agent-based modeling.  All the course would have lab practice component embedded in the delivery.

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SEMS Lab New Academic-Year Gathering 2012

To start the new academic year of 2012/2013, we invite new graduates, current lab assistants and researchers SEMS Lab for lab gathering and discuss lab preparation with the new curriculum this year.  The new curriculum relies more lab activities that require scheduling of resources in the lab. However, after the long holiday it is also a place when we all could get together and catch-up of the news.


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