SEMS Day Out: Paintball!

An article by Bhagas & Ara

Academics? Yes. Researches? Of course, yes. Having fun? Extremely yes! That’s SEMS – in spite of its activities related to its functions as a laboratory, SEMS members will always find a great way, perhaps many ways, to meet excitement, freshen moods, while also strengthen the relationship between them all. Exceptional in the lab, but seriously, we can turn things real fun.

There are actually many informal events, from the small one to the extraordinary one, by SEMS members to have fun together. One of them is written here. This article will mainly spread you up about our latest day out – Paintball! On Saturday, 14th of May 2016, we set out from Depok to a paintball field in Cibubur. This event was attended by SEMS’ RAs and LAs of 2015-2016, one researcher, and three exchange students from French – although it was also open for the lecturers and alumni.

We’re divided into 3 matches with 2 teams in each match, red and blue team. The red team (rangga, gita, pierre, shilla, and randa) beats the blue team (adit, anggit, qualid, ayud, and sydney) in the first match. Randa went rouge and razed adit and anggit with bullets and they actually felt hurts from the paint bullets. In the end, it was shilla’s “hiding trick” that won it for the red team.

First Match

First match!

In the second match, “koko” steven led the red team (steven, gamma, chaska, regina, and fatima) to completely obliterate the blue team (bhagas, fadhil, wiwanto, shara, and laurencie). The combination of steven and gamma vicious strike made the match completely one sided.

The one-sided second match

The one-sided second match

The third match was really a tight one, both red (Mr. Irvanu, yusaq, tasha, lona, and ara) and blue (rizman, reza, marhsall, kobam, and shilla again) played really well. But in the end, the red team which led by our amazing lecturer, Mr. Irvanu, came out victorious.

The tight third match

The tight third match

After the third match, there’s still some “slots” to plays another game because we actually reserved slots for more people than the numbers that actually came. So, some of us actually held a last match of the day. The team made a “civil war’ spinoff as blue team, led by rizman went head to head with chaska who led the red team. It’s a really tight game, but in the end, Chaska beats Rizman (oh… again…).

SEMS civil war spinoff

SEMS civil war spinoff

Well, to wrap it up, it was worth a day. After we finished shooting each other and also gathered some bruise because of the paint bullet, we went to the nearby restaurant to have lunch together. All the pain and tiredness were finally faded after seeing the smiles and laughters because of our activity today. That’s us, stand for each other and share happiness together – because we are united as one family, the family of SEMS. See you again in the next event!

Our lovely lunch

Our lovely lunch

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