SEMS LA Wins 2nd Runner Up of Outstanding Student Competition

One of our SEMS Lab Assistants, Arry Rahmawan wins 2nd Runner Up in Outstanding Student Competition FTUI (Mahasiswa Istimewa Berprestasi Category). This competition consist of 2 stages. First stage is Curriculum Vitae and Paper selection, after that the committe will choose 4 participant to perform a paper presentation (english) as the final stage.

Industrial Engineering Department sent 2 delegates to the final. The Result of this competition is: Alfan Presekal (E’ 09) as champion and engineering

faculty delegates to UI competition, Kenny Lischer (TB ’08) – 1st runner up, Arry Rahmawan (TI ’09) – 2nd runner up, and Tegar Septyan (TI ’08) – 3rd Place.


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